Equipment Summary
Price :
Type : Equipment For Sale
Date : May 30, 2019
Make : Techno FMC
Year : 2018
Condition : Surplus New
Location :
Large Surplus New inventory of Chiksan Loops! Major price break on the Entire Lot of 65 loops!
Technip FMC CHIKSAN LOOPS. These loops are very popular in the Frac industry and any Buyer should recognize the savings, unless they are buying Chinese.
P/N: 6102810
Year MFG: 2018
Manufactured in: U.S.A.
Condition: New Surplus
**Note: each loop is 120″ OAL & comes with two 1502 Hammer union connections!
Quantity: 65 loops
Special Pricing: being offered at significant discount for the Entire Lot, buy them all and save a ton! Sixty Five (65) loops: $195,000…that’s just $3000/loop
For Lesser quantities, message us below, price on request.